Monday, February 8, 2016

What You Need to Know About Your Friend with PCOS

Hello Everyone!

I love when people ask about PCOS. Truly I do. I want people to understand this disorder better because information leads to prevention and cures. However, there are some people, who truly just don't care or don't understand that PCOS is such a multifaceted disorder. One problem leads to another and another and another...these are some of the things that I wish others would understand about PCOS.

1) Not having a period is not fun. 
Yes, Aunt Flow is annoying, but a necessary part of being a woman. While you may think that I'm so lucky that I don't have a regular period, keep in mind when I do have one it feels like I got hit by a train. Not having your cycle can lead to other problems as well. So in all reality, YOU are the lucky ones.
2) Just because I've regulated my cycle, doesn't mean I will magically get pregnant.
A period and ovulation do not necessarily go hand in hand. A woman with PCOS is living proof of this as we pay hundreds of dollars to force our bodies to do both.
3) Believe me, I am not overweight by choice. 
My body doesn't work like your body. You can be good and eat like a rabbit and work out like crazy and your body will reward you. My body doesn't work that easily. It is twice as hard for me to lose weight because my body doesn't function the same way yours does.
4) No, I do not have diabetes.
You would not believe how many people don't understand Insulin's role in our body. When I say that I'm Insulin Resistant, many folks seem to think that means I am diabetic. It is not the same thing, though PCOS can lead to type 2 diabetes. My body doesn't respond to Insulin, which is why I take an Insulin sensitizing agent.
5) I will always need to manage my symptoms. 
This isn't something that will go away. I will deal with it for the rest of my life, because hormones control everything. There is no cure for PCOS and they don't know what causes it.
6) We hate when you give us "Suggestions".
So many well-meaning individuals have suggested fertility drugs to me. There is no medication, fertility treatment, diet plan or workout plan that you know about that I don't. Believe me, I've spent much more time researching and talking with specialists than you have.
7) I may not look sick, but I am.
The human body is amazing. My body has been through the fires of hell. I may look just fine on the outside, but the fact is that most days I feel horrible. I often feel sick, I am hangry the majority of the day, and I also have to try and keep my mood swings at bay. The best explanation that I can give is that everyday my body feels like a pubescent 14 year old and a menopausal woman are trapped in the same body and are fighting each other for control.

Please show your love for your friends and family members who have PCOS and do your research. Ask them about doctors appointments. Feed them when they are cranky (we love that!). Please know we need your love and support to fight this.

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